We are soliciting proposals for workshops to be held together with the 2019 International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2019). The workshops will take place on October 27, 28, and November 2 at the same venue as the main conference. The purpose of workshops is to provide a comprehensive forum on topics that will not be fully explored during the main conference and to encourage in-depth discussion of technical and application issues. The ICCV 2019 organizers will collect workshop registrations, provide facilities, and distribute electronic copies of the workshop proceedings.
In the past few years, the number of workshop proposals has been increasing rapidly. Due to space and time limitations, as well as to encourage diversity of topic coverage, we will only be able to retain a limited number of proposals. Therefore, we encourage the workshop organizers to submit proposals that are specific and detailed in justifying relevance and viability.
When preparing a proposal please note the following dates:
The above workshop camera-ready and finalized program dates are hard deadlines.
Proposals should be submitted in PDF format by email to iccv2019_wcs@googlegroups.com by February 23, 2019 (11:59PM Pacific Time). The proposals should include the following information:
For any questions, please contact the workshop chairs, Yoichi Sato and Jingyi Yu, at iccv2019_wcs@googlegroups.com.
ICCV 2019 Organizing Secretariat
513, Yeongdong-Daero, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, 06164, Republic of Korea
FAX: +82 2 6000 8190 / E-mail: registration@iccv2019.kr
Website: http://iccv2019.thecvf.com/
Business Registration No.: 120-81-01603